Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Random PIctures

I just uploaded my camera and thought these were cute. Baking Victor's birthday cake!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Last video

Here's the last video for the day. I finally caught her rolling over! Sorry for the slightly Blair Witch-esque floor and ceiling shots in between rolls. I thought I had turned off the camera!

Third video

Here's one of Vivian a little older. I would guess around a month or so.

Videos take two

Here's a video of Vivian playing in her swing. She's less than a month old... I would guess maybe 3 weeks?


I was playing with my video camera trying to catch Vivian rolling over when I found some old videos I don't even remember making!! I'm not sure if I can put all of them on one post but, one is of the delivery room then two are from when Vivian was brand new. I'm not even sure how old she was. It's amazing to watch them!! She was so tiny. This first video is of the delivery room.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


In October my parents went to France and brought Vivian two cute outfits and one cute sweater. Victor is excited about French baby clothes because they don't look baby-ish, they just look like cute normal clothes. Today we went to lunch with my mom and my aunt so we debuted the first outfit. We initially had one little pink fake Uggs also, but it was a pain to take them off and put them back on every time she needed a diaper change!

Pensive baby, planning her next sneak attack to punch dad in the throat.

Haha, punching daddy is so funny!

I just realized I have this picture on here twice but I can't figure out how to delete just one photo, so you can enjoy is again. It's doubly cute.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


She rolls faster than a speeding bullet...

Cuter than a dozen puppies...

Able to make mommy take twenty pictures to get one smile...

It's Superbaby!!