Saturday, March 31, 2012

Tie dye

Today Vivian was so busy! In the morning we went for a walk and she played on the swings. She spent awhile figuring out whether or not she liked it but by the end she was smiling. Then in the afternoon she played in her little play yard outside while Victor and I cleaned up leaves. She has started pushing up on her hands and standing with her legs upright. Not standing obviously but trying to! She will also push whatever she is leaning on and walk a little. Unfortunately, sometimes she is leaning on Victor's nose. In these pictures she didn't get upright on her own. But she stayed up herself!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Fancy Pants

Another cute outfit from Marin and Leah!

Last weekend the three girls finally got to meet each other. It was so much fun seeing how Vivian interacts with the big girls. At daycare all the other kids love on her but by the end of the day she's usually so tired she doesn't really interact with them while I'm there. With Marin and Leah she would sit next to them and kind of play by herself but sometimes she would try to play with whatever toy they were using. It was so cute. And of course she showed off her new crawling skills.

It's so hot here! I've been buying some summer clothes in 12-18 months because I thought by the time it got hot she would be up to that size. But she needs those clothes now! I guess she can just rock out in too big clothes for awhile. More room for stealing pacifiers I guess.

This doesn't really have anything to do with anything. It just makes me laugh.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Today we went to the community center to swim. They have a great big kids pool! It has a water slide, a lazy river, and a bunch of different water toys. It was really busy so most of the time Vivian was just looking around watching the other kids but she seemed to enjoy the water. She also floated a little bit and I just had to hold her head and shoulders. She's a water baby to be sure.

Tutu swimsuit

Little cover up for the walk over

Divaliscious in her sunglasses

Ready to go!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

New game

Vivian is so smart! Today we were hanging out with the door open looking outside. Victor would start to push the door shut and V would lean forward and push it back open! She did that for at least ten minutes and loved it. The girl knows what she wants.

Ruffle butt

It's so warm up here!! It's high 70's low 80's all week. That means she gets to wear the new t-shirts I bought her at Target! I also got her the cutest little jean skirt for this summer. She looks like such a big girl in it. Since Vivian is the only baby girl at daycare the other two moms of baby boys love when wears super girls outfits. This was a big hit with all the ruffles. And, if you notice, her little leggins have pink pirates on them. Can't get better than that!

She's so funny. I kept trying to get side pictures of her outfit but she could turn and face me before I got a picture taken! She is a little girl on the move.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Magic rocks

Vivian is teething and I am dying a slow death from lack of sleep. She just can't seem to get comfortable. We give her Tylenol but I hate to have her doped up all the time. A bunch of moms I talk to love Baltic Amber necklaces. Supposedly these are great for teething babies and old people with rheumatoid arthritis. The amber is made of salysilic acid which reacts to body heat and is absorbed into the skin and acts as a mild pain reliever. Victor thinks it is a scam and calls them magic rocks.

During the day she wears it as a necklace but at night she wears it around her ankle. Before I get a ton of freak out emails, she has it under a sock, under a onesie, under a footie so until she figures out zippers and getting undressed she is fine. She has definitely been sleeping better than before I put the necklace on her. That first night she woke up about every hour and a half. Now she is sleeping slightly longer spans and doesn't seem quite so uncomfortable. Even if it just helps a little bit, I think it's worth it. Daycare said they have had several moms who swear by amber necklaces.

Here's a cute picture of the necklace.

Cute duckie pants courtesy of Marin and Leah. There are even little bows at the ankle!! You can't see it but they have a little ribbon belt and yellow sailor-style buttons on the front.

This one just cracks me up because she looks so mad!

And now she is drunk...

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Vivian received more adorable outfits from Leah and Marin last week! We are thrilled! I was getting so tired of her 6-12 month clothes but it's not buying new ones because I don't know how long she will fit in them. A short Target run might be coming soon for spring weight clothes.

Anyway, Victor called this her hippie outfit because of the cutie flower pants. I love them.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Random pictures this month

Here are some random pictures. Last weekend she started getting much faster at scooting. She started here playing with her toys...

And ended up all the way back here. The snail and car are over there because I was too tired to get up and get her so I tried to get a toy out to her. The car couldn't quite make it but the snail did!

This makes me laugh. When I set her down all the soft toys were sitting in the (now upside down) basket. I unloaded the dishwasher and came back to this. She also likes to put all the toys in her lap.

7 months

She is seven months today and on the move! I had to strategically place the 7 month placard during our photo shoot to try and keep her from eating it. She's a pro at rolling both ways and wants to crawl immediately! She loves sweet potatoes, peaches, pears, and bananas. She refuses to eat squash, pumpkin, carrots, and peas. Most of all she loves to be active. Hanging upside down, being tossed on the bed and banging on her toys. She wears me out!