Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Snow Day Take 2 (part 2)

Vivian had fun playing out in the snow yesterday. I think she is finally getting used to snow because she wasn't at all hesitant to get out in it today. She wasn't interested in the full snow suit but we did put her in a warmer coat with a hood. 

Then she had her daddy walk her up and down the street

Then her daddy taught her how to throw snowballs at her mommy

Then she tried to hike through the snow

And tried

Then daddy to the rescue

Then she removed the hood from the jacket and admired herself in the mirror

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Snow Day Take 2 (part 1)

Another huge snow storm came through last night. We had probably another foot-ish. Happily for my back  it was really windy and didn't gather on the driveway. The backyard is insane but luckily we don't have to shovel that mess. So, we spent today trying to find way to entertain a fussy kid. We suspect she's getting her two year molars and is NOT sleeping at night! It's miserable. 

So, she colored (and got a timeout for coloring on the furniture)

And she figured out how to pull her pants down all by herself.

Very proud of herself.

Then she practiced brushing her teeth by herself like the Bubble Guppies.

Then she hammed it up for the camera.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Obligatory Snow Day Photos

We got so much snow yesterday! Snow is pretty when it's coming down, but once it's ready to be shoveled it's the devil! We got about 14 inches then another two overnight. It was crazy! At one point we couldn't even see across the street. Happily we don't have a sidewalk so we only have to shovel the driveway and walkway. It still took forever to clear everything away. I had to shovel again this morning.

Inky decided to check out the snow. She was not amused.

Vivian deciding what she wants to do.

Then she decided to help shovel.

Then daddy cleared a path for Vivian to walk down. She meandered down... (look how much of the shovel is covered by snow)

Then she got stuck (you can see how high the snow is) and walked back purposefully

After her nap we made snow ice cream. It was tasty!

Vivian approves

I eventually realized she would be perfectly happy with just snow and I wouldn't have to deal about a sticky sugary mess on the floor. She had fun scooping it out and stirring it in the bowl.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sully Monster

Vivian likes to play with her stroller and trike in the house sometimes when she's tired of her toys. This weekend she decided to push her stuffed Sully around the house like a baby.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Grandma Vivian

Vivian is still in love with her princess skirts. Sadly though, they are too big to stay on her waist. So, I decided to pull them over a hoodie in the hope it will help the skirt stay up. The result was pretty funny to look at...

Here's her Valentine's Day outfit. She picked out the shoes and socks. Not sure why she looks so mad at me.

Monday, February 11, 2013

18 month checkup

Vivian had her 18 month checkup today. She was a champ! She was in a very good mood and didn't mind the wait in the little room. She did a great job showing off her walking stills for the doctor and didn't cry much at all after her shots. Happily (other than the flu shot) she's finished with vaccines until kindergarten! And she stood on the scale instead of sitting in the baby one!!


She's grown an inch and gained a pound. So now she's 25 pounds in the 60% and 31.5 inches tall in the 50%. She's doing great!

We took some selfies while hanging out this morning waiting for her appointment.

She wanted to wear her at because the guys in Monsters, Inc all wear hats while they are working.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Friday we listed our house for sale! It's exciting but also so hard! We have to find someplace to take Vivian for every single showing. And the poor kid is already sick and tired of her car seat. This morning alone she's been in it eight times. She has started standing in it backwards when we try to put her in it. I understand, but it's still trying my patience. 

Anyway, yesterday we went to Union Station and saw the model train setup. It's pretty awesome! There were tons of different trains running in the various models. And the models were so intricate with little towns and airplanes and such. Here she is checking out Percy coming down the track.

She found the subway!

Then we ate at the Crayola restaurant. She got a yellow crayon cup!

Saturday, February 9, 2013


Vivian has finally figured out how to put skirts on all by herself. Including how to pull them up to her waist. So, we bought her two little dress up skirts since she isn't able to put on dresses by herself yet. One is a Belle skirt and one is Rapunzel. Each came with a toy. Belle came with Mrs. Potts and Chip. Rapunzel had a hair brush and fake hair. The hair was creepy. They also came with a "book" but I threw them out. Why throw out a book you ask? Because they were horrible! Belle's taught you how to prepare a tea party and Rapunzel's taught you how to fix your hair. I pitched them and put on Free To Be You and Me to counteract their bile.

Anyway, here is Vivian checking out her skirts. 

I got one picture with the fake hair before I threw it away. She didn't like it anyway so I didn't feel bad.

In her Belle skirt

Drinking from Chip

Chugging from Mrs. Potts! She's extreme. She's also wearing both skirts. Just for good measure.