Saturday Vivian had breakfast with the Zona Rosa fairy princess. It was pretty cute, as soon as the princess walked up to her Vivian hopped off the chair and started talking. Since Vivian tends to be shy with new people I was impressed. After Disney she knew just what to do and how to pose for pictures, and she smiled this time!
Then she got to sit in the throne.
Then some ballerinas gave a performance for all the kids - Vivian was in love.
She even hopped right off the chair when the ballerinas invited people to come dance with them!! She didn't even ask me to go with her. I was so proud. She's getting big.
Then the ballerinas gave a short lesson and again Vivian was great! She listened and did what they told her to AND she knew her right from her left every time.
The fairy princess gave every child a gift - this ginormous Elsa doll. She's over 2 feet tall. Seriously. She sings part of Let It Go which is fine except that she has no on/off switch so if Vivian wants to sleep with Elsa, the singing keeps her up. And the battery pack is sewn in so I can't even easily take out the battery for nighttime. It's a terrible set up.
Then we bought a Christmas tree. Vivian found her hat from last year and wore it for decorating. She's so cool.