Thursday, March 31, 2011

18 week

This week we have more self-portraits. Mostly because I knew I wouldn't feel like staying in my dress clothes until Victor got home. I love my jammies. So, I'm 18 weeks this week and the baby is a sweet potato. Another not very pretty picture-poser! I'll work on it, don't worry all.

I think I felt the baby kick! It's such a nebulous thing this early that it's hard to tell. But I'm pretty sure I did. Not much else is new. No progress on the nursery. Probably no progress for several more weeks.

The baby is as long as my head is tall! Every time I see this picture I think of the Shell Silverstein poem "I'm being eaten by a boa constrictor." Don't ask me why.

I can still see my feet!

Monday, March 21, 2011

17 weeks

I had another monthly checkup on Friday. The heartbeat is good and strong. The doctor even said she could hear lots of movement. So, all sorts of good news. I moved into the fifth month of pregnancy. Almost halfway there! This week the baby is an onion. I tried to find a cute veggie online but all I could find was onion or turnip. Neither of which could be described as cute. So, onions are tastier, therefore the baby is an onion!

Today I hauled out the old (new) maternity black pants. They are soo much more comfortable than my normal pants. I also want to get a pair of capris to get through the spring!

Victor couldn't believe the baby was so big already so I had to prove it!

In preparation of all the stinky diapers.

Best mom ever

My mom came up to help us paint the bookshelves this weekend. I say help, but really she did the majority of the work. Victor and I were just pawns in her grand scheme to get the whole thing finished this weekend. She was amazing. She got done in 4 days what probably would have taken us 6 weeks. We appreciate it so much. Me especially. I couldn't stand living in the mess! So, here's my thanks to mom. She's earned lots of grandbaby visiting hours.

Mom standing in one of the bookshelves... so apparently they are about 5 feet 6 inches.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

16 weeks

I've got an avocado in me this week. I think after the pictures I'm going to try a chocolate avocado cake this week. They seem to be pretty popular these days and since we've got one laying around it's worth a try. I'll let you know how it goes!

I think in this first picture I might be pooching a little, I'm not sure I'm actually this big. I wouldn't mind who I was, but I think it's a little misleading.

Victor's getting better at tummy pictures.

For everyone who asked, here are pictures of the built-ins. Not painted, but here they are.

This is the media center. The tv will go in the middle bit. The sides are bookcases. Drawers on both bottom sides with open shelves in the middle. The top is shelving for my nick nacks.

Fireplace. Bookcases on both sides. We finally have a mantel for Christmas!

Bookcases by the basement.

P.S. - for anyone who has been taking bets, I decided to grow my hair out so I can put it in a ponytail while on maternity leave. Then I'll cut it when I go back to work. :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

15 weeks

For some reason I was extra tired today. I think it's probably because it's chilly and raining so I just wanted to sit home watching Nigella drinking hot cider (no caffeine!) and I definitely did not want to be stuck at work. Usually on picture update night I stay in my work clothes until Victor comes home and we take pictures. Tonight I just wanted to take a shower and put on my jammies so this week's pictures are self-portraits. Always a favorite. My dress is more clingy and fitted than the tops I've worn for the last two weeks so I think you can see the bump easier.

This week the baby is a navel orange. Why navel and no other kind? The world may never know. In two weeks it's an onion. That's not very appetizing or pretty for pictures. I'm thinking about looking around for other food comparisons for that week. I think my sisters would get migraines just looking at the onion pictures.

I forgot to take the sticker off the baby...

Hi! I should have closed the closet door, huh? See the box from my Valentine's Day present? Pretty! I'll post a picture once I get it back from the store. I'm having it attached to a bracelet right now.

This is not the orange you are looking for...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

14 weeks

The crib arrived!! Right now it's just sitting in our living room but hopefully this weekend we will put it together. It's too bad my baby bubby just left town to go back to college, maybe I could have sweet-talked him into putting it together for me. He's so smart. Too late now though.

So, I'm 14 weeks along now. V Jr. is now the size of a lemon. No big changes. My jeans today wouldn't button. I have some handy cloth bands that look like the bottom of a tank top that I wear to hide when my pants won't button. Also, apparently they help when maternity pants are a little too big, the bands help hold them up. Fun times. Happily my giant pimple has gone away for the most part. I still think my face looks weird and I don't like my hair. But, the pimple is gone...

13 weeks

I've had a pretty easy pregnancy so far. Not really any nausea, I'm tired but not fatigued. I was pretty irritable but that seems to be going away. The biggest thing is, I've started getting pimples again!!! And not just normal ones like in high school that would go away in a day or two. These suckers are huge, bright red, and won't go away at all! I'm had one on my chin for the last 3 weeks.

Today we took 13 week pictures. V Jr. is the size of a peach. I don't think my tummy has gotten much bigger but a random lady who I see maybe twice a year looked at me through my winter coat and asked if I was pregnant. So, either she's really rude or I'm starting to get bigger. However, apparently my face has become super duper enormous!! I'm looking at these pictures and wondering 1) if my face can get bigger without it exploding, 2) if I weigh 500 pounds, and 3) if I should grow my hair out so I look less fat by drawing less attention to my fat face. V says this is my hormones speaking, but it's not... it's the fat talking.

So, here's V Jr. at 13 weeks. The first one is a close up because V had too much fun posing me and forgot the point of the pictures are the tummy. That's ok though, plenty more fruit to perfect the pictures.

My ode to Thomas Crown Affair

William Tell's son had nothing on me. This is one of the ones in which I look enormous. Just look at my neck rolls and circular face.

Here we go

Since all three of my followers are family, you all know I'm preggers. Since I only see one of my followers on a daily basis, I decided I should try to be better about documenting my growing tummy. However, I didn't want to do the traditional, stand-to-the-side and hold down my shirt pics. Big sis sent me a cute website in which the lady took her baby bump pics with the fruit of the week. (for you followers other than v, basically every pregnancy email says this week your baby is the size of _______ and lists a fruit.) So, that's what we decided to do. Unfortunately, the blog K sent me is run by a professional photographer so obviously our pics aren't as good as hers. But, it's a fun thing to do together and hopefully it makes the rest of you feel more caught up... if you wanted to. If not, feel free to defriend me. But, since there are only three of you I'll know who you are.

So... here I am with the baby at 9 weeks old