I've had a pretty easy pregnancy so far. Not really any nausea, I'm tired but not fatigued. I was pretty irritable but that seems to be going away. The biggest thing is, I've started getting pimples again!!! And not just normal ones like in high school that would go away in a day or two. These suckers are huge, bright red, and won't go away at all! I'm had one on my chin for the last 3 weeks.
Today we took 13 week pictures. V Jr. is the size of a peach. I don't think my tummy has gotten much bigger but a random lady who I see maybe twice a year looked at me through my winter coat and asked if I was pregnant. So, either she's really rude or I'm starting to get bigger. However, apparently my face has become super duper enormous!! I'm looking at these pictures and wondering 1) if my face can get bigger without it exploding, 2) if I weigh 500 pounds, and 3) if I should grow my hair out so I look less fat by drawing less attention to my fat face. V says this is my hormones speaking, but it's not... it's the fat talking.
So, here's V Jr. at 13 weeks. The first one is a close up because V had too much fun posing me and forgot the point of the pictures are the tummy. That's ok though, plenty more fruit to perfect the pictures.
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