So, like you all know by now, it's a girl! She's 1 pound 1 ounce which is right about average for a baby her age. They kept my due date at August 28-29 so everything seems to be right on track. They weren't able to get a picture of her kidneys or lungs so I'm going to have another ultrasound in a few months. But, that's fine with me, another ultrasound paid for by insurance sounds great to me.
This week the baby is a papaya. She's getting really long! And my tummy has suddenly started showing a lot more this week. I saw that Anthropologie has a kid apron that matches my cupcake one that my siblings gave me a few Christmases ago. I'm trying really really hard to keep myself from buying it. We'll see how long my will power lasts...
Inky didn't want to get off my lap to let me take pictures. She's becoming very high maintenance. She's still longer than the papaya though.
I foresee this position quite a bit in my future. Baby on my tummy, Inky on my lap. Oh joy. Somebody remind me why we went to so much trouble to tame her.