Thursday, April 7, 2011

19 weeks

Almost halfway there! At my next appointment we will (hopefully) find out the sex! I'm trying not to get too excited, however, because sometimes the baby decides to be willful and keep it's legs closed so we would have to come back another day and try again. Hopefully it's a good baby and lets us take a peek!

I am so ready to start nesting people. Unfortunately, as you can see in my first picture of the week, we are still working on the shelves. They are all over the living room drying. Most of the stuff currently in the nursery can't be moved out until the shelves are finished because the stuff will be going in those shelves. Happily, the carpenter is supposed to come by and put the finishing touches on the shelves this weekend so we can get this mess finished. I think it's worth the time because they look so good and make the stairs to the basement much more safe. Then I can start on the nursery! My mom offered to make roman shades and I'm excited to start picking out the fabric. I'm thinking white and yellow stripes.

The baby this week is a mango. It's very odd, because a mango is shorter than a sweet potato so I'm not sure how that works. Maybe it weighs more. Or maybe my baby shrank. Yes, I have a wet spot on my shirt. No, I don't know what it is.

Why are you smaller than last week, baby?

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