It is H-O-T hot here! Every weekend we enjoy the pool and use it to cool down a little. But, I have to say, everyone talks about how miserable I must be because I'm pregnant and it's so hot. However, once it gets THIS hot, I don't think I'm that much more miserable than anyone else who has to be out in the heat. I have an indoor job so I'm in the air conditioning 99% of my day. I can wear sundresses and sandals at work so I don't have to worry about hose and pumps making me uncomfortable. It's not unbearable. I mean, yes, my ankles swell more than a normal person's... so I just avoid the full-length mirrors. And I'd rather be able to wear a sundress than have to bundle up in a sweater and get itchy in the winter.
A 34 week baby-to-be weighs about 4 pounds. That's approximately ten good sized Roma tomatoes. I didn't even try to hold ten tomatoes at once! I knew it would be an ugly ugly scene on my kitchen floor.

Next weekend we are going to the lake with some friends. Then our child birth classes start! Yikes. I kind of want to go into it without knowing anything... they do say ignorance is bliss. But, we already paid for the class and it's a good idea to have an idea of how these things work and what to expect. Though, she's coming out one way or another so as long as I do what my doctor says we will have a baby at the end of it. We took a baby care class last weekend. It was fairly helpful. We practiced swaddling and changing diapers. Victor is much better than I am. He can be the poo guy. Hehe