I'm officially 8 weeks away from my due date. Freaky! I downloaded an app that has a countdown and as of today I have 52 days to go. It sounds like a lot less time when you count it in days instead of weeks!!
I apologize for being lazy about my fruit of the week lately. This week she is the weight of a honeydew. I thought of buying one but the thought of an entire honeydew in my tummy was a little overwhelming. So, instead, you get to see pictures of my pretty dress. I love this dress. It's soft and comfy and was on sale. Can't beat that.
There still aren't any big complaints so far. She's pretty mellow so I'm still able to sleep (mostly) the entire night. She doesn't keep me up kicking or anything like that. She does like to rest her head on my sciatic nerve which sometimes makes walking difficult, but then it goes away so not a big deal. Her latest favorite position is with her foot in my rib so that's slightly uncomfortable. But again, nothing really worth complaining about. Hopefully this keeps up!

Goodbye feet!
I've got another check up tomorrow. Nothing major, just listening for her heartbeat and measuring my tummy. July I have two appointments then in August I move up to once a week. It's going so quickly! Happily we have everything we must have before baby arrives. But I'm sure once she is here I will find out that nothing we have is useful and need to rethink our purchases. That's the way these things tend to work.
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