Yesterday Vivian had her two month checkup and vaccinations. She is gaining weight like a champ! Last week we went to a lactation consultant and she weighed 11 pound 1/2 an ounce. Yesterday she weighed eleven pounds twelve ounces! That means she gained almost a pound in a week. She's a little over 22 inches long. So, let me put this in perspective for you: when she was born she was in the 20% for weight and 50% for length. At 1 month she was in 50% for weight and length. At two months was was in 75% for both!! Her head has gone up from 25% to 50% so happily she won't be too much of a pinhead.
The two month appointment also means the start of her vaccination shots. I decided to go with the recommended vaccination schedule because I think vaccinations are very important and I'm pretty sure that if I didn't my older sister would have kidnapped my baby and raised her as her own. I was dreading shot day because so many people talk about the negative side effects. Happily she did fairly well. She didn't let me lay her down at all and she had one screaming spell for no apparent reason but other than that she just slept and cuddled. Last night she actually slept until 5:30. That means I got almost 6.5 hours of sleep in a row!! I feel amazing today! I haven't had that much sleep in so long. Actually, I haven't had that much sleep since Friday, July 29. I hate to gain pleasure from her getting shots but, I can't complain too much.
This is probably what she looked like right after getting her shots. The nurse was so nice and sweet and I was able to scoop Little V up right away and she calmed down very quickly.

This is what she looked like when we got home.
Boo boos on her chub chub legs
I was having some of my own health problems yesterday and was feeling really bad. Our three year anniversary was on Tuesday and Victor send me these beautiful flowers which were delivered yesterday. I love them! I let Vivian pick one which can be hers. All the rest are mine.