Today Little V was wearing another cute outfit. Happily the weather is cooling down so she can wear her long-sleeved clothing with out boiling! She seems to be fairly warm blooded, just like her daddy. If I put her in her car seat with a blanket when I take her out her back is almost sweating.
She refused to lay still for her pictures. Of course whenever we do tummy time and I want her to roll over she just shoves her face into the blanket and grunts until I move her. But when I want her to lay still for pictures she won't stop rolling over.
Today we made a quick grocery store run in the afternoon. Usually whenever we run errands it's in the morning while she is still sleepy. She was fussing as I was walking to the cash registers. She wasn't full out crying but making her little shouts to let me know she was annoyed with me. I've noticed she shouts like that whenever she's sleepy and I'm not holding her. I think she wants me to pick her up before she falls asleep somewhere else.
Anyway, so some random lady walks up to Vivian, pulls her blanket off of her and then grabbed her hands and started shushing her. I nicely moved the cart away a little and the lady moved with it. So I just said thanks and walked away entirely. It was very very weird.
I also learned that Wednesday afternoons are old person extravaganza at the grocery store. Lots of slow-moving, aisle blocking carts moving around the store.
I would have freaked out at that lady. Way to keep it classy. ;-)