Thursday, July 19, 2012

Fat fatty fat fat

Well, Vivian officially had her first daycare injury. Today I got a call from Laurie. Her first words were "it isn't an emergency but..." It cracks me up - this is how she starts every phone call I get at work. It's good she does that though because as soon as I hear her voice my brain goes into go time mode planning how quickly I can leave and what work I'll need to bring home with me.

Today Vivian followed her four year old buddy into the playroom but her buddy didn't realize it. Her buddy turned around quickly and tripped over Vivian. Somehow that caused Vivian to cut her lip on her tooth and get a fat it. It isn't a big deal, but it was so big when I picked her up today! I tried to get some pictures but it was hard getting a good angle. The top probably shows it best - it looks like she got bad botox. She's perfectly happy and after chewing on her frozen teether the swelling went down quite a bit.

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