Thursday, August 9, 2012

12 Months Old

Vivian had her 12 month appointment today. Poor kid did not like her shots! Mostly because I wouldn't let her pick the bandaids off her legs. She calmed down fairly quickly. There were a lot of kids getting back-to-school shots so all down the hall there was lots and lots of crying!

She hasn't grown all that much. She gained two pounds and is up to 22 pounds she has dropped to the 80% in weight. I think that's probably due to adding milk without dropping formula. She will probably taper back to her 9-12 gain once we drop the formula. She only grew 1 inch so she's up to  28 in the 25%. So that dropped quite a bit! Her head is still in the 50%. 

Otherwise the pediatrician said she looked good. He was impressed with her walking. And in the waiting room she got so many compliments on her shoes!! Even a random teenage boy complimented them.

Vivian picked out this dress today. Not kidding - I opened the closet door and was looking at her dresses when she reached out and grabbed this one. She's started trying to dress herself and becomes very frustrated when she cannot do it. So that doesn't bode well until she becomes more coordinated!!

On another note - do my dear readers think I could throw a long-sleeved t-shirt or turtleneck under this for her to wear into the cold months? It's not really a jumper but it's so big I hate to put it away when the weather changes!

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