Thursday, March 28, 2013

Those shoes

Petting Inky

Preparing to color

Trying to lay her head on Inky and give cuddles

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

More Snow Pictures

Vivian finally wore her full snow suit after our freak snow storm on Sunday. She was just so cute! Happily she still wears diapers because she looked like the kid from Christmas Story. 

She fell down and couldn't get back up. I was laughing so hard I couldn't help her back up.

Eating snow

Then she got bored and lounged while we shoveled.

For comparison, here I am in my winter gear. No, I wasn't a diva at all.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Snow Day Fun

We had yet another snow storm last night! This is crazy. In preparation I bought a cake mix and frosting for Vivian to decorate. She loves coloring these days so I thought icing a cake would be right up her alley. She had a lot of fun! Unfortunately, she tended to poke holes in the cake while spreading the icing but, that's ok. Still tasted the same. She really really loved putting the sprinkles on. She went through the ones that came with the icing so I pulled out some old Halloween ones for her to use. Definitely a fun activity!

Reminds me of Nana tasting her baked goods.

After I took away the cake and icing she started licking the spatula to get the sprinkles to stick so she could keep eating them.

Then the post-nap taste test.

She approves!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Cinderella Wannabe

Vivian asked to put a bow in her hair like Cinderella. This is what she came up with.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

New Kicks

I wanna put on my my my my my boogie shoes!

Actually, I really do want a pair!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I gave Vivian toast with a little jelly. She just licked off all the jelly which lead to this...

Which lead to... Bubble Bath!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

She Could be a Farmer in those Clothes

Bonus points to anyone who can name the movie my titles quotes. 

Vivian is still very into picking out her own clothes and dressing herself. At night she likes to go through her dirty clothes hamper while I am reading and dress herself in whatever she can find. Here's the best example so far:

a summer tank I pulled out in the hope it will fit her again this year, a skirt, all over her fleece jammies. It's funny, she actually sleeps best when she is wearing clothes over her PJs so maybe I should start making this a regular thing. Don't worry - she's just sleeping in this pic, not sad. It was a 5:30 wake up day. (her choice, not ours)

This morning was my sleep in day so Victor took Vivian to the park to work off some excess energy. Since the snow is melting and the ground is very very very muddy he put her in my old snow pants.

Muddy tush