I'm working on taking better photos with my phone. I have a fantastic new pocket camera but sometimes she does something cute and I only have my phone on me so I have to use what is available. I feel like most of my phone pictures are pixilated or something. I don't know if that is because I have the alcohol withdrawal shakes or because my phone is three generations old and the camera just isn't very good. What's the consensus, tech siblings?
Playing with her farm from Uncle Bubby and Aunt Mallory. This one is blurry because of me. I just thought the way she had the animals set up was cute.
Taking some selfies. We have no pictures together so I have to do what I can.
An unsolicited kiss!! This girl is stingy with her kisses so this was fantastic! Even though I look like Mrs. Potato head.
She and Elmo playing dress up
You need a new iPhone. The camera on the 4S was an improvement and the 5 is even better! Also you need this http://www.olloclip.com/product/ for fun :)