Friday, June 14, 2013

More Bedtime Shenanigans

So, we are still sleep training. Naps are basically fixed. Bedtime routine is significantly easier but not without some frustration. Now we are just working on sleeping through the night again. She's doing better though. Last night she woke up but I didn't have to go in her room. I hate saying these things because tonight will likely be wretched but in general she's making progress. The easiest way to tell is she wakes up in a good mood and is mostly tantrum free (for a toddler.)

Last night my newest idea was to let her put on of her animals to bed. Of course I chose Sully. Mostly because her clothes were the most likely to fit him. She picked out a nightgown and PJ pants for him to wear. Tonight he's wearing a monkey shirt. I put a blanket over her then over him as well. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing about your bedtime routine, tips, and also your hurdles! I am sure I will be looking back to these posts in about a year. Love you!
