Sunday, June 8, 2014

Zoo day

In the summer the zoo opens at 8 am which is fantastic in a house with an early riser! Victor had to work today so Vivian and I woke up, grabbed some breakfast and went to the zoo. It's relatively cool today and cloudy so perfect zoo day. When we arrived around 8:20 there were less than 20 cars but when we left a little after 12 they were in the over over flow lots! Many many people. Another good thing about the early morning is that the animals are more active. When we initially arrived we saw animals making nests, head butting each other, eating, and chasing each other. By the time we left most were laying down resting. I'd never seen any of the animals fighting and posturing the way we did today. Lots of fun. 

Vivian has to be the polar bear every visit.

Vivian took this picture.

First of two obligatory carousel rides. One at the beginning and one before we leave.

Chilling with the penguins. Another good thing about arriving early - we can actually get up close to see the animals without having to wait our turn.

The penguin pavilion has a cute little area that lets you pretend you are swimming with the penguins. Again, she was the only kid playing in it.

Playing in the water fan.

Today we splurged and went on the sky ride. It was so cool!! Totally worth the money. It will likely become a regular stop for our visits as well. She loved it and you got such a unique view of the animals. I didn't take many pictures because I was scared I would drop my phone.

Sky ride

Second carousel ride. And very very tired girl.

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