Tuesday, May 31, 2011

27 weeks

So, like you saw in my last post we finally finished the nursery! It's very exciting to have such a big thing finished. Now we just need to go buy changing table supplies and find a way to save tons and tons of money and then we will be all set for the baby and for my maternity leave! I have a feeling one of those things will be harder than the other.

This week the baby is about 14.5 inches long and two - two and a half pounds. I cut some flowers to about 14 inches. I couldn't really find anything I liked that is two pound but I think the pitcher I put the flower in is about that weight. Victor was feeling very artistic this week so the pictures are much better than last week's self-portraits.

I finally went swimming this weekend. Victor has been in a few times but it's been too cold for me. I'll sometimes soak my feet while Victor swims (he says they look like I sprained both of them by the time I get home from work) and that always feels nice. It was still a little bit cold for swimming but we just jumped in and got used to it. We have to teach the baby from an early age to love swimming as much as we do!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Holiday Special Edition

We finally finished the nursery! Well, pretty much. Now we just need to hope that people give us all the necessities at the showers. If not the baby's going on to sleeping on plastic... at least that would make for some easier clean up.

Anyway, this weekend I finally got around to painting the bookcase. I confiscated it from my parents' house when I moved to KC for my paperbacks. It had been in my brother's room when he was little. It's just a sturdy wooden bookcase. Unfortunately, it was dark blue which is a pain to paint over! It took a coat of primer and three coats of paint (four in some places) and there are still some spots where you can see the blue, but I'm pretending it looks distressed. And I figure it will be covered in books and toys most of the time so she won't care either way. There's one wall I didn't post pictures of. It has the closet, a little shelf thing, and the doorway. Not much picturesque there. So, here's the nursery!

Rocker, crib, Monet. The little table was stolen from Auntie Caiti's room at home. It's a little flower with the base looking like a stem. I love it! I know the chair is a little dark but it is so comfy. I go sit in it when my back is hurting.

The hanging thing is the diaper holder. I realize I'll need to move it as the baby is able to reach up and grab it. For now, It's cute and a useful decoration.

Very Hungry Caterpillar nightlight.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

26 weeks

I had another checkup yesterday. It was just a normal one, nothing exciting. We listened to the heartbeat and then she measured my tummy. I forgot to ask how big it was but I'll ask next time, though honestly, I'm not posting the size on here! I found out today that I passed my glucose test so that's exciting! Gestational diabetes is one of my three main pregnancy concerns. The nurse said my iron is low so I'll have to start taking a supplement, but I'd rather that than have to worry about my blood sugar levels. I really wish that I liked red meat so I could just eat a steak a week instead of taking a supplement. Oh well, now I'm up to three supplements a day (along with DHA and multi-vitamin.)

This week the baby is the size an an english cucumber. Unfortunately, I didn't realize until after I went to the grocery store that it was an english (aka hothouse, seedless) cucumber, not a regular one. So, since the regular one was a dollar cheaper that's the one I bought. It's a few inches too short. I tried to guess what might be the size of an english cucumber and I think a wine bottle is about the same length... imagine it without the giant stopper. I didn't want to risk spilling on my dress since I was taking self-portraits before I left for work. Yes, self-portraits again. I've been really sleepy and figured I'd want to get in my jammies right after work. :)

Technically, my bump looks about the size of the cucumber. But, the baby isn't all stretched out in there, she's curled up. Though, sometimes she likes to kick me in the liver to get her stretches in.


Please ignore the tupperware containers under my bed. So, that's it for this week. I think I'll celebrate passing my glucose test by making some Ben and Jerry's ice cream this weekend!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

25 weeks

So, 25 weeks! That means 15 weeks to go. Happily I'm still in the double digit countdown. I think once I get below ten I still start to freak out more. I've just about finished the nursery. I'm going to paint the bookcase next weekend and order the rug this weekend then that's it! I'll post pictures once it's completely finished.

This week the baby is the length of an ear of corn. I've got my last monthly checkup next week then I start going every other week. Next week we will just be listening to the heartbeat. Then I schedule my glucose test and at some point I'll have another ultrasound since the baby was stubborn and wouldn't let us get a good look at her the first time. Or I guess you could look at it as she was being helpful making it so we get to take another sneak peek! That's what I'm going to tell myself.

Victor took some better pictures than these but you could see my bright green slipper socks and I just couldn't bring myself to put a picture on the internet. I love my slipper socks (thanks Keeg!) but not with a dress. Actually, this is a pre-maternity dress. I need to find some cheap cotton dresses for this summer! I think I've stretched this one to it's max. And I'd like to be able to wear it again after the baby is born.

Sorry, no side pic this week. This is the best I've got.

Definitely bigger than my head now!

If the baby were laying on the changing table this is what she would look like. And no, I don't plan on having a throw pillow and Piglet on the changing table. They are just hanging out until the bookcase is ready for them.

Monday, May 9, 2011

24 weeks

Sorry I didn't post last week. Last week's food was a squash. I don't really like squash so I wasn't feeling very moved by it. I also didn't really want to spend the money on something we definitely wouldn't eat. Then I meant to post just a general hand-under-tummy picture but the week got away from me. Sorry about that. You didn't miss much. Though, that did make me think of a few weeks ago when the baby was an avocado! She's gotten much bigger.

So, this week the baby is a pineapple. We tried to be festive by posing near our cute new purple flowering tree. Unfortunately, our neighbor's basketball hoop kind of ruins the look. And no, I'm not wearing any shoes. I like super thick calluses. They are cool.

Baby bump is slowly overtaking baby fruit.

My tootsies are disappearing! I think Victor needs to learn how to paint nails. I refuse to go out in sandals with unpainted toes.

So, that's it this week. This weekend I'm going on a girls' weekend babymoon and visiting Andrea Nicole in Atlanta. Thus the hot pink toe nails!