So, 25 weeks! That means 15 weeks to go. Happily I'm still in the double digit countdown. I think once I get below ten I still start to freak out more. I've just about finished the nursery. I'm going to paint the bookcase next weekend and order the rug this weekend then that's it! I'll post pictures once it's completely finished.
This week the baby is the length of an ear of corn. I've got my last monthly checkup next week then I start going every other week. Next week we will just be listening to the heartbeat. Then I schedule my glucose test and at some point I'll have another ultrasound since the baby was stubborn and wouldn't let us get a good look at her the first time. Or I guess you could look at it as she was being helpful making it so we get to take another sneak peek! That's what I'm going to tell myself.
Victor took some better pictures than these but you could see my bright green slipper socks and I just couldn't bring myself to put a picture on the internet. I love my slipper socks (thanks Keeg!) but not with a dress. Actually, this is a pre-maternity dress. I need to find some cheap cotton dresses for this summer! I think I've stretched this one to it's max. And I'd like to be able to wear it again after the baby is born.
Sorry, no side pic this week. This is the best I've got.
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