We finally finished the nursery! Well, pretty much. Now we just need to hope that people give us all the necessities at the showers. If not the baby's going on to sleeping on plastic... at least that would make for some easier clean up.
Anyway, this weekend I finally got around to painting the bookcase. I confiscated it from my parents' house when I moved to KC for my paperbacks. It had been in my brother's room when he was little. It's just a sturdy wooden bookcase. Unfortunately, it was dark blue which is a pain to paint over! It took a coat of primer and three coats of paint (four in some places) and there are still some spots where you can see the blue, but I'm pretending it looks distressed. And I figure it will be covered in books and toys most of the time so she won't care either way. There's one wall I didn't post pictures of. It has the closet, a little shelf thing, and the doorway. Not much picturesque there. So, here's the nursery!
Rocker, crib, Monet. The little table was stolen from Auntie Caiti's room at home. It's a little flower with the base looking like a stem. I love it! I know the chair is a little dark but it is so comfy. I go sit in it when my back is hurting.
The hanging thing is the diaper holder. I realize I'll need to move it as the baby is able to reach up and grab it. For now, It's cute and a useful decoration.
Very Hungry Caterpillar nightlight.
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