So, sorry to disappoint again folks but we didn't buy the veggie of the week this week. We were a little freaked out by the ecoli outbreak supposedly coming to the USA so we figured we would eat steamables veggies for a week until they get things figured out. But, now, obviously, it seems to have been a scare that's ok for now. Just pretend I'm taking pictures with an eggplant.
This week the baby is about 17 inches and 2.5-3 pounds. Getting much bigger!
Since we don't have a veggie of the week, this week is the type of photo that I don't really like, the prego woman standing by herself holding down her shirt to make herself look pregnant. Though, I think I might have passed the trying to look pregnant stage into the "random people comment on my tummy" phase. I also get dizzy anytime my head goes below my belly button even when sitting down i.e. if I drop something, it's staying there. Which is just as well because now I can't bend at the waist without grunting either. Haha, I'm so ladylike. But honestly, this has been a fairly mellow pregnancy. Obviously I have nothing to compare it with but, the problems I'm having aren't unexpected and they aren't unbearable so that's good. Ask me again in two months!
I took pictures by the pool to try and liven up our boring pictures this week. Check out the awesome floaty Victor got for me. He's more than a little freaked out by the size of my feet at the end of the day so the floaty lets me soak them without getting my hair wet. It's pretty much the best floaty ever. And I do realize my eyes are closed in the second picture. This was a fast photo shoot since I made Victor stop swimming to take my picture.

Have you been down the slide lately?!? ;-) xoxo