Ah! I have single digits of weeks left before my due date! Now is the time to start finishing anything we might need finished before baby comes. Thankfully, we've been pretty good so far about completing projects. I just need to get my FMLA situated and have our pre-registration meeting with the hospital. Victor just needs to finish painting the extra shelves and doing the touch up work on the stairway and I think the bare minimum will have been completed. At this point in my paperwork I would rather his job than mine.
Gear wise I think we have everything we MUST have before baby comes. We've got the car seat, stroller, crib, some clothes and wipes. The only thing we don't have is newborn diapers but a friend of mine said the hospital gives you a bunch so I'm waiting to buy any until we know how big she is and how many the hospital gives us. We also need both baby carriers (Baby Bjorn and Baby K'Tan) but happily those are not cost prohibitive so if we need to buy them ourselves, it's not a big deal.
This week she weighs about as much as four navel oranges. If you look back at week 15 she weighed about as much as one navel orange. So she has quadrupled her weight and she still has the main 9 weeks to go! I did self-portraits again because I wanted to swim so I didn't want to have to hang out waiting for Victor to come home. Unfortunately, it's really hard to hold four oranges at once so I had to get creative.
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