Sunday, July 28, 2013

Birthday Weekend #1

I have a feeling Vivian is going to have several birthday parties for a few years. This weekend we went to the lake to see family and open some presents. I'll post over the course of the week. The weekend ran the gamut of emotions. It started like this:

And ended like this:

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

I'll be back

Vivian and I are going to the lake to see my family. Hopefully next week I'll have lots of fun new pictures. After all the eating I expect to look like this

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


This is the first Pinterest idea that I have tried which has actually worked! Woot!

I bought an oil drip pan from Wal-Mart (my first time there in 2013 double woot) and some spray paint.  The pan looked enormous and it isn't small but it actually just barely fits the alphabet across it lengthwise. Vivian picked out the paint color, kind of a dark teal. Man, spray paint is hard to work with!!! There are so many drips. She didn't seem to notice them but they drive me nuts. Seriously though, people with kids, make one of these. All total it cost less than $15 and it entertained her for over an hour. AND she was actually naming some of the letters!!

These are Melissa and Doug wooden magnetic letters, also recommended. Sadly we are missing both one upper and one lower case letter so kiddo's ABCs might have a hitch in their giddy up.

Then she became a warrior princess with some tape

Sunday, July 21, 2013

On A Walk

We went on a walk today through the woods by our house. I do not care for the woods. I don't think Victor quite realized that until today. Good to know we can keep things new after ten years together. 

Vivian loves it though. She spent some time just staring at the dirt. Then we searched for the baby deer we see sometimes. 

Then we finally got to the other side!

Want to guess who is in this cat toy?

It's Vivian!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Just Chilling

Eating a cookie in my chair. What of it?

Then she got mad I was taking pictures of her, threw my camera on the ground, and turned her back on me

Thursday, July 18, 2013


I know I said Cait is keeping me honest about posts but this week has been crazy. Here's a picture from a few weeks ago at my parents.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


I realized I would get it from Cait if I went two weekdays in a row without a new post so I grabbed a few shots while she was watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse after bath tonight.

Tail end of her saying hi

Apparently something terrible just happened to Donald Duck

Not impressed by Darth Daddy

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Second Floor Home Tour

I'm finally posting some pictures of the house. We mostly stay on the second floor but eventually I'lll show the third floor playroom because it's pretty cool. The first floor is just entry, guest room alternate living room and storage. We do have a king sized bed down there in case anyone wants to come visit!!

Here's the spare bedroom on the second floor. I love this color! I know it's bright but it's just so different and pretty. I just put whatever extra furniture we had in here which is why it's a hodge podge and nothing really matches. It's still a good sleeping room.

Vivian's room. The coloring is a little odd. It's a robin's egg blue. The green on the right is her dresser which was my grandfather's. I'm considering repainting her bookcase a rose color.

Our very messy library. Actually, on a Saturday afternoon most of the house is a mess. Fair warning.

From the left: dining room, kitchen, and living room. On the right you can see the edge overlooking the entry way. Also, ignore the paint. Toward the end of the year we hope to have the whole place repainted top to bottom.

Living room. Fireplace and tv in the dark corner on the left.


Now for the obligatory Vivian photos.

She's very into building obstacle courses for herself. In this one she climbed over the back of my chair then and rolled over the arm onto her chair. You can see poor Inky in the background thinking what the heck?

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Boots Have Arrived!!

Introducing my birthday presents! Boots 1 and Boots 2

This is the best group picture I could get. The kid won't stop moving! And yes, I'm wearing bright blue band aids on my knee

Checking them out

Rocking the socks by themselves

Monday, July 8, 2013


I'd like to point out I think this may be the first time she has worn shorts this summer without throwing a fit. That's how we can tell she isn't feeling well.

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Our selfie. 

She LOVES to squirt people with water guns. It's her favorite outside activity, second only to spraying us with the hose. She's a mean little thing.

And yes, I let her wear her bikini top. Only in our backyard though. And only because I knew I wanted to take pictures of her.