Wednesday, June 29, 2011

31 Weeks

Ah! I have single digits of weeks left before my due date! Now is the time to start finishing anything we might need finished before baby comes. Thankfully, we've been pretty good so far about completing projects. I just need to get my FMLA situated and have our pre-registration meeting with the hospital. Victor just needs to finish painting the extra shelves and doing the touch up work on the stairway and I think the bare minimum will have been completed. At this point in my paperwork I would rather his job than mine.

Gear wise I think we have everything we MUST have before baby comes. We've got the car seat, stroller, crib, some clothes and wipes. The only thing we don't have is newborn diapers but a friend of mine said the hospital gives you a bunch so I'm waiting to buy any until we know how big she is and how many the hospital gives us. We also need both baby carriers (Baby Bjorn and Baby K'Tan) but happily those are not cost prohibitive so if we need to buy them ourselves, it's not a big deal.

This week she weighs about as much as four navel oranges. If you look back at week 15 she weighed about as much as one navel orange. So she has quadrupled her weight and she still has the main 9 weeks to go! I did self-portraits again because I wanted to swim so I didn't want to have to hang out waiting for Victor to come home. Unfortunately, it's really hard to hold four oranges at once so I had to get creative.

Good old bedroom mirror shot

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Testing, testing

For my birthday my parents gave me a really cute little HD video camera. It's teal. I like it. I never really take videos so I need to practice how to hold my hands steadier. But, it's a handy little thing and I think it takes pretty good video for the size. Here's a video of the nursery. I didn't say anything because I hate the sound of my recorded voice. But, it's kind of creepy just hearing me walk around. I'm going to have to figure out how to add music or something.

Yes, we have aluminum foil in the crib. No, I won't tell you why. It's an old wives tale. We will leave it at that.

30 weeks

10 weeks left! We had another ultrasound today and everything looked good. Unfortunately, she really did not want to have her picture taken so she kept her hands up covering her face most of the time. Happily, the technician double checked that she's still a girl. So all the pink gear can stay. We did see her spine, which pretty much looked like an alien being. This ultrasound confirmed that she takes after my maternal side because 1) she was being amazingly stubborn and kept her hands at her face the whole time and 2) she went out of her way to ensure she would NOT be getting her picture taken. I'm a ham for the camera but plenty of the women on my mom's side hate getting their pictures taken. Oh good.

I forgot to ask exactly how big she is this week. So, on average babies this size are about three pounds. I had intended to go to the store after my appointment and buy something about her size but, obviously that plan isn't going to work. So, looking around the house for something about three pounds I came upon my OJ. I've never been a big OJ drinker but now that I have to take iron pills every morning I've learned to like it quite a bit. So, the baby is about the size of a bottle of juice missing about two morning's worth.

My hair is slowly getting longer. Happily I can just about get all of it in a ponytail which is all I care about. And, my doctor said genetics really doesn't come into play when trying to guess if the baby is going to come early so I can rest a *little* bit easier on that one.

OJ is about all I get to chug these days.

Action shot!

This is my last week having double digits of weeks left before the due date. I guess next week I have to buckle down and get all the last little details handled. The biggest thing I need to do is complete my FMLA paperwork and give it to my doctor so everything is turned in on time so I don't lose my insurance. And save a ton more money. And buy two baby carriers. Other than that, I think we have everything we MUST get before she arrives. My baby sister has requested that I have the baby a sufficient number of days before labor day so she doesn't have to visit me at the hospital. And I don't want to have her before the 27th. So, that gives a 5 day span within which she can arrive. Hopefully she listens to her auntie and her mommy.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Baby Shower/ 29 weeks

I know I'm one day short of 29 weeks but I figured baby shower pics would be fun for this week's post. The shower was so pretty. Lots and lots of pink! It was nice to see friends and catch up with people. And of course lots of fun goodies!

Here's the beautiful print Sally gave me for the baby's room.

Diaper cake!
Me, Nana, Mom
Me with the hostesses

I forgot my camera so Bren had to make a sneak appearance to drop it off... unfortunately for him he had to stay for about 20 minutes because all the women wanted to talk to him.

Mom and I

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

28 weeks

So, sorry to disappoint again folks but we didn't buy the veggie of the week this week. We were a little freaked out by the ecoli outbreak supposedly coming to the USA so we figured we would eat steamables veggies for a week until they get things figured out. But, now, obviously, it seems to have been a scare that's ok for now. Just pretend I'm taking pictures with an eggplant.

This week the baby is about 17 inches and 2.5-3 pounds. Getting much bigger!

Since we don't have a veggie of the week, this week is the type of photo that I don't really like, the prego woman standing by herself holding down her shirt to make herself look pregnant. Though, I think I might have passed the trying to look pregnant stage into the "random people comment on my tummy" phase. I also get dizzy anytime my head goes below my belly button even when sitting down i.e. if I drop something, it's staying there. Which is just as well because now I can't bend at the waist without grunting either. Haha, I'm so ladylike. But honestly, this has been a fairly mellow pregnancy. Obviously I have nothing to compare it with but, the problems I'm having aren't unexpected and they aren't unbearable so that's good. Ask me again in two months!

I took pictures by the pool to try and liven up our boring pictures this week. Check out the awesome floaty Victor got for me. He's more than a little freaked out by the size of my feet at the end of the day so the floaty lets me soak them without getting my hair wet. It's pretty much the best floaty ever. And I do realize my eyes are closed in the second picture. This was a fast photo shoot since I made Victor stop swimming to take my picture.

No more feet for me.