Saturday, January 31, 2015

Before and After

From the hallway into dining, kitchen, living rooms

Living room


Living room with weird wall-flooring removed

Dining room

After: Dining room (blue) into kitchen

Hallway into dining and living rooms


Our bedroom

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


It was 70 degrees today!! I just could not stand to be in the office when it is 70 degrees in January. I'm lucky enough to have a supervisor who not only allows me to use my vacation days however I want, but actually encourages me to use them for random days like today. This morning when Vivian woke up I told her we had a surprise Vivian and Mommy day and that we were going to the zoo. 

There were actually a TON of people there. Lots of mommy groups with younger kids and expensive strollers. But then a lot of kids who were really old enough to be in school. I don't know where they came from, maybe home school? It was really odd. There were a lot of them.

Climbing through a hole in the giant tree. She was much more bold during this visit. 

I told her the tortoise liked her shoes so she sat down and talked to him for probably three minutes.

She went down the slide like a big girl! She typically loves to climb and run but balks at this slide. This visit she ran over to the slide and went down multiple times. 

She also love this spinny thing. Seems like a recipe for vertigo to me but she enjoys it. Problem is, the big kids like it too and they are not as good about waiting in line and sharing as the little kids were.

Monday, January 26, 2015


Vivian no longer paints naked! Woo hoo

Now she paints in a diva dress and heels...

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Around the House

Now that the house has been painted we are finally starting to put the house pack together! We made Vivian a little doll bedroom in an unused corner of the living room. 

Playing makeup. She loves red lipstick 

Monday, January 19, 2015

More weekend in Carthage

Eating her tarts - I think she either a) confused little red riding hood with Dorothy or b) realized she could trick Mimi into giving her cookies. I'm going with the latter.

Shopping with Mimi, begging for a new toy. Luckily Mimi said no

New coat for next winter!

Mimi's office

Locking Papa away

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Vivian is staying with my parents while we have the house painted so this is the last post I'll have for a few days. 

Here are some adorable pictures of Vivian in my old Dorothy dress. Mimi makes costumes that last!

Sunday, January 11, 2015


Hi all, sorry I haven't been updating as much lately. This week, and the next few, are crazy with random stuff so it's been hard to take pictures of her doing anything other than coloring, eating, or singing. I've been trying to record her shows but as soon as she sees the camera she stops.

Saturday we had her first ballet class. No pictures during class but I got this one after. I love the look on her face. 

Then we made brownies. This kid loves brownie batter. Not so much the cooked product though.