Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Walking outside

I have a bunch of pictures to take today because I finally have a new pose I can use - walking!!

She is a walking fiend. Anytime we set her behind the walker she starts moving - and anytime she is fussing I set her behind it and it buys me a few minutes before she remembers she was mad about something. She's a destructive little sucker too. She rolls over her blocks, stuffed animals and my toes without  abandon. If she runs into a wall or highchair she just rams the walker into it looking at me until I turn her around and she starts back the other way. This is actually really great to do outside because our deck is so long but it also keeps her from eating leaves! 

This is a perfect shot of her scrunchy face. It makes me laugh every time.

Not sure what she and Inky are looking at but it must be very interesting

Giving me the side eye because I kept walking along next to her taking pictures as fact as my camera would let me. Thank goodness for digital cameras!

Another scrunchy face - it lets you know she is up to something!

Inky came outside to watch Vivian. It was really cute. You can tell Vivian is so proud of herself.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

Vivian had a very busy weekend. First, she introduced her evil twin Black(berry) Beard. He does dastardly deeds like wiping blackberry smash all over the floors and laughing.

Then she was coated head to toe in sunscreen and played outside!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Glamour baby

For some reason I have a bunch of pictures I haven't posted yet. I guess I was camera happy this week. This weekend we are just hanging around the house swimming and going for walks. Unfortunately, Vivian has started fighting nap time which is making things very very difficult! She's exhausted but doesn't want to sleep. At daycare she can make it to noon before taking a 2+ hour nap but at home she is ready for a nap about two hours after waking up. I think she is catching up from all the fun she has with the other kids! Happily last night she slept for 11 hours straight so at least she is getting good nighttime sleep.

My cousin's wife gave me a good tip for headbands - she actually buys in the normal accessories section instead of the baby section - that way they are more normal-looking and less babyish. This is my first non-baby headband and I love it! It's a little loose so it fell in her eyes a few times but it's worth it for fashion.

She's getting much better at staying on her giraffe. She has even figured out how to get off it but she needs some help still.

She picked out this romper herself. I gave her the choice between three different rompers - one yellow, one blue, and this one. I've got a pink girl!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

New Faces part II

The boo boo face (very sad)

The scrunchy face

The "Who Me" Face

New Faces

Sorry for the low quality of my pictures today. They were taken on the fly with my iPhone trying to get a good picture.

Vivian has been practicing lots of new face lately. One she likes to scrunch her face up really far and squint her eyes and she breathes really really fast. I'm really not sure where she got the idea but it cracks me up.

The one I actually got a picture of is her sailor face. She sticks her lower lip out really far and puffs her cheeks out like a goofball.

This pictures is just cute. No silly faces.

Here's her sailor face from the side.

And from the front.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Busy weekend

Vivian was a very busy girl this weekend. On Saturday we went to a friend's house and Vivian got to play with two other kids - one older and one younger. She's such a social little girl! She kept trying to play with the little boy who is about 3 years old by crawling over to where he was playing Unfortunately, she does seem to have a problem with stealing toys but hopefully daycare will get rid of that.

Then this afternoon she met R2D2. She still isn't so sure about how she feels about him. At first she crawled away from him.

Then she got a little closer...

And a little closer. But she made sure Victor was always right near her or she would crawl away as quickly as her little legs would take her. She still doesn't like R2 all that much. We tried to explain he's nice but for now she doesn't trust him.

Then she practiced feeding herself yogurt. She's kind of starting to get the hang of it but it's still a very messy endeavor!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Earlier this week my mom came up and watched Vivian while daycare was closed. To celebrate, Victor dressed Vivian in a pretty dress my parents gave to her. It's such a cute little dress! I remember having lots of smocked dresses growing up. It's not something I will buy very often because things get SO dirty when she crawls all over creation... but it's cute for a special occasion.

Monday, May 14, 2012


We had a fun weekend. Saturday Vivian and I walked to the farmer's market and bought some strawberries and cucumbers. She enjoyed people watching and being outside. She didn't enjoy the cucumber so much...

I love this picture!! Such a big girl.

She loves her pink shoes!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Magic Mama

We had a safety pool cover installed in our backyard.

And I can now walk on water. Ta da!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

9 month stats

Vivian had her nine month checkup yesterday and did really well! It wasn't a shot appointment so she was pretty happy. The doctor just wanted to see her and check her growth. He was happy with what he saw. She's doing very well. Her weight gain has slowed quite a bit since at the beginning. That's fairly common for nursed babies - they tend to have lots of weight gain in the first six months then taper off. Formula fed babies tend to stay steady the whole first year. That's what they say anyway.

She weighs 20 pounds, 12 ounces and is in the 90%
27.5 inches long in the 50% 
Head circumference is 17.5 and the 70%

It's funny - she definitely had a growth spurt a few weeks ago based on her massive eating and sleeping but the only percentile she moved up in is her head! I guess we should be happy her head started off small. 

I love this little outfit. It reminds me of something a baby would wear in Great Gatsby. It has a matching hat but sadly I forgot to put it on her for pictures. She IS wearing her wedding shoes so everyone can see (admire) them!

I know you can't see her face in this one but it just cracks me up. The child is always moving.

Shoe close up with chunky little ankles!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Wedding Ceremony

Here it is! The beautiful dress. Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of her cute little shoes. I only have one full-dress shot. It's kind of hard to get full body pictures when she can't stand on her own yet. Oh well. Congratulations to the happy couple!

This is the only picture I took that doesn't have Vivian in it so I thought I should add it

I love this picture! She is going to be a terror as a teen
