Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Hiking in the woods

Practicing climbing like Anna (and mommy practicing not hovering and letting Vivian discover what she can and cannot do in a relatively controlled environment)

So proud of herself for making it the whole way up without help!! I then promptly firmly asked her not to chill on a wall and to never get that close to the edge without mommy there to catch her. Whew!

Pretending to be a doggy without scratching her boots.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Weekend Updates

Vivian practiced her makeup for Halloween

And we made snow fairy wings so she could practice being Periwinkle

And she totally acted like a lady at the zoo

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Renaissance Festival

This weekend we went to the Kansas City Renaissance fair. It was perfect for Vivian! Lots of fairies and princesses and castles. What more could she wants. Oh, horses!! She loves horses.

She also liked wielding the giant hammer and hitting things with it. 

Riding a horse

Dressed like a fairy. She's a precious angel… when dressed like a fairy or when sleeping.

She even sat on the throne of swords and met Daenerys!

Then she made me ride the camel with her. It smelled bad and was bumpy. But she loved it so worth it. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Friday, September 12, 2014

Lincoln Logs!

Target now carries retro Fischer Price toys! They had a tin kaleidoscope, one of the clicky picture things, and lincoln logs!!

Here's Vivian talking to her horse, asking him to tell her what's wrong.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

3 year check-up

Vivian had her check up today. In the past the biggest problem with these appointments has been that she does not like having to wait in just her diaper. This time they gave her the world's cutest mini-hospital gown. It was made of really soft t-shirt material. 

Here she is dancing and showing it off. She loved that it was open in the back. She repeatedly asked if I could see her bum bum.

She is 3 feet, 4 inches and weighs 35 pounds. 75% for both. So perfectly proportionate. She can do everything the doctor asked about (most of them more than what she asked) so thanks are progressing well!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Hate Hate

In response to my last post - yes, she's fine. It was a little cut, mostly just red now. No more swollen cheek.

Vivian and her friends at school love to use the word hate when they are in bad moods. Here was Vivian tonight:

Me: Time to go to sleep Vivian
V: I hate sleep
M: Ok, well let's just cuddle
V: I hate cuddling
Me: Ok I'll just leave then
V: No! I hate leaving
Me: Ok, let's cuddle
V: I hate cuddling. I hate everything. I hate chair, I hate rug, I hate books, I hate curtain, I hate pictures, I hate Mickey Mouse ears, I hate doors, I hate walls (if you can't tell, she's looking around the room saying she hates everything she sees) I hate toys. I love your leg
Me: Erm, ok. How about you lay on my leg and go to sleep?
V: I hate sleep. I hate blankets, I hate dolls, I hate animals. I love your face.
Me: Ok, well let's get warm under the blankets
V: I hate blankets

Monday, September 8, 2014

First Major Ouchie

Yesterday Vivian and I were playing adventure, running around and jumping off things. Of course when we were almost finished and Vivian jumped off the lowest thing in five minutes she stumbled and hit her face. We took her to urgent care to make sure she wasn't too badly hurt. The Children's Mercy urgent clinic was a fairly nice set up.

Here she is, watching the TV in the room waiting for the doctor.

They even had toys in the room when she got tired of the tv (but it really wasn't much of a wait at all)

Showing off her Vivian bracelet.

You can kind of see the red mark below her bottom left lip. But look how big her cheek is swollen!

The next day. Still pretty swollen but the actual cut has gone down quite a bit.

This is just because she looks so darn cute!!