Monday, March 31, 2014

Weekend Randoms

Vivian took this picture of her cute little feet all by herself

Friday, March 28, 2014

Fariy Ice Cream Party

Vivian was eating an italian ice (what she calls ice cream) and decided she needed to share with the fairies. She got six bowls and put a little dollop of the stuff into each bowl. Then each fairly got to sit in her own bowl of ice cream. 

Then she ate ice cream using her fairies feet as a spoon.

Then the fairies all took a bath

And then Vivian joined them.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

I'm back

Sorry I haven't posted this week. I keep trying to post videos but for some reason blogger still won't let me. I have some good videos, too. 

A coworker gave Vivian some Spiderman candy. Vivian got really excited whens he learned the container was full of suckers and started shaking it as hard as she could to get the candy!

After a playdate this weekend she's been asking for fairy toys every single day. I finally broke down and got her some fairies today. She loves them! She went to sleep with three of them today.

Sunday, March 23, 2014


On Thursday our power went out right in the middle of reading time during bedtime. Vivian definitely did not want to go to bed without reading her books so we decided to read by flashlight. Vivian even held the flashlight for me so I could read the books to her. 

Here's a picture daycare sent to me on Thursday (or Friday? I can't remember.) She looks so old!!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Brownie Date

Vivian and I made brownies and watched movies on Wednesday. We had a blast!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Mini Car

I still can't get the video to load for some reason. Here are some photos of Vivian playing in her car instead.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Superhero day at the zoo

Vivian was so excited to meet Spiderman all weekend!! She couldn't wait. Then we saw Spiderman and she hated him with a passion. Thor was also there but we didn't even try to get a picture with him. Happily Spidey had a sense of humor about it.

It was about 32 degrees so we pretty much had the zoo to ourselves. It's the first time we actually got to see the penguins up close.

Then we discovered she brought some of her doctor tools to the zoo in her jacket pocket. She's so funny!


Saturday, March 15, 2014


Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I had a video I kept trying to post but it wouldn't work for some reason. Here are some photos from the parade today. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Kitchen Buddy

Vivian has finally figured out how to cut things! Why I'm so excited she knows how to use a knife I'm not sure but I'm so proud of her. She's been trying with this little plastic knife that's made for veggies for a few weeks but she never quite figured it out. But tonight she was actually cutting bell peppers and apples! She such a great helper. Until she starts throwing food… but she is a toddler so...

Ta da!!

Then she made her own little kitchen to cook while I was cooking. Then she poured out two whole teapots of water. Toddler...

Then she ate Dippin' Dots. Cait would be proud.