Saturday, November 30, 2013

Shopping Helper

Vivian likes to ride in the cart. She tells me which "path" I should go down

Reindeer antlers

Vivian's thanksgiving dinner… chocolate chip pie and whipped cream. Yum!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Warning: Cuteness Ahead

Vivian has really embraced being "mommy" to her kitty and bunny. She puts them in time out and gets onto them when they try to leave. She also has them hit each other to earn the timeout which is really funny. Last night she was trying to delay bedtime so she read to her animals instead of letting me read the book. 

She has also started putting mommy to bed which includes a blanket and turning out the lights. Best. Game. Ever!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Vivian loves to climb things. She has discovered that this little pink chair Mimi and Papa gave her is super light so she just carries it around the house to climb up wherever she wants to go. Last night I found her on top of the desk trying to get into the little thing here I keep important documents. She was so proud of herself it was hard to get mad!

She even found the key, she just couldn't quite get it open

Monday, November 25, 2013

Wild Weekend

Ok, clearly the blogger app has formatting problems. That's why I didn't use it the first time I downloaded it. Oh well. I think a week of not using my computer has kind of fixed it. 

We had a lazy weekend. Vivian and I are both sick with colds so we just kind of lounged. The problem is, a two year of with a cold is a mind trip like you wouldn't believe! She's really pretty good about not having many tantrums but I think we had more this weekend than we've had in the last month. Oy!

Here she is, happy playing in her tunnel


To this evil look (notice the bowl on the floor? Yeah, that's because I gave her chips but something was wrong with them - not sure what - so she flipped the bowl like Theresa flips tables)

And then this when I wouldn't let her eat the chips she threw on the floor. Who knew that would result in no chips? Not her!

Friday, November 22, 2013


I got a mini-keyboard for my ipad since my computer is still having problems. Testing out the blogger app. Don't mind me.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Vivian Crowne Affair

Vivian is very into anything of mommy's being hers. She seriously steals anything I have in my hand. Including my dinner.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Saturday, November 16, 2013

What Vivian Wears to Bed

A Princess Sofia dress with matching Hunter boots (and of course she has her cat that Mal and Bub gave her when she was two weeks old. That's a must at bedtime.)

A Tinkerbell tutu

First picture with kitty.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

It's been a few days. Sorry! Sometimes I just can't get any good pictures. Tonight we got some great ones. So, there's this movie called Hotel Transylvania. It's cute and funny but about all your typical monsters on vacation. Vivian loves all things halloween and she LOVES this movie. It has music and dancing which are basically guarantees she will like something. But it's also very cute. The main girl's name is Mavis.

Tonight she randomly ran into her bedroom asking to put on a dress but we couldn't understand what she was saying. Turns out she wanted to put on her "Mavis" dress. This is what she decided is her Mavis dress. In the movie Mavis is Dracula's daughter and she wears all black. She insisted we can her MAvis and I was Johnny, Mavis' boyfriend and Victor was daddy (Dracula.) She has such an imagination!

Obviously she wore her Minnie shoes with the dress

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Playing in the Car

My computer is on the fritz which makes it really hard to post. I'm doing my best. I won't be typing as much. Not that I typed a lot to begin with. But I only have so much time before it starts to freak out so it'll mostly just be photos for awhile

Tuesday, November 5, 2013



Super cool hi-tops from Mimi

She wanted to put her swimsuit on over her clothes… totally 80's