Thursday, September 6, 2012


Vivian has made some big updates this week! She has started walking all by herself voluntarily. Before she would walk between Victor and I  but that was about it. Now she will walk between rooms and to find Inky and to try and eat the cat food. She is so proud of herself!!

She has also learned how to take bites of whole things. I know this sounds like no big deal but it's so nice to be able to hand her a cheese stick or slice of something and know she can eat bits of it without shoving the whole thing into her mouth. So much nicer. 

I love this picture.

Poor little sick baby. She has another cold. This is an especially bad one - I've been sleeping with her in the recliner most of this week just to let her sleep at an angle to decongest. Normally this would be bad enough but I have a cold as well so it's been rough!

I know this isn't the best background but I think it's adorable that she has started sitting cross-legged.

This little face cracks me up. It's her new one to do when I'm taking pictures.

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